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Zombie Maps For Cs.1.6

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  3. Cs 1 6 Maps
Maps For Cs 1.6

Counter-Strike 1.6 > Maps > Zombie Maps Zombie Mod Maps for Counter-Strike 1.6. Most Viewed Most Downloaded Highest Rated Studio Releases Advanced Filters. Greater than Less than Equal to Downloads.

Here Are The Packs Of Cs 1.6 Maps Which helps You To PLay any Maps For Your Cs 1.6 Servers!!!

Name / DescriptionSize
Surf Map Pack
Contains 16 maps for Counter-Strike
4 MB
4fun Map Pack
Contains 28 maps for Counter-Strike
9 MB
AWP Map Pack
Contains 27 maps for Counter-Strike
6 MB
AIM Map Pack
Contains 32 maps for Counter-Strike
7 MB
FY Map Pack
Contains 41 maps for Counter-Strike
16 MB
Zombie Map Pack
Contains 23 maps for Counter-Strike
15 MB
Mappack Special ofChristmas
Contains 10 maps for Counter-Strike
39 MB
Bhop mappack
Contains 10 maps for Counter-Strike
14 MB
PaintBall mappack
Contains 10 maps for Counter-Strike
6 MB
Transparent mappack
Contains 4 maps for Counter-Strike
6 MB
Deathrun mappack
Contains 16 maps for Counter-Strike
14 MB
Multi Addons mappack
Contains 12 maps for Counter-Strike
9 MB
Professional mappack (NEW)
Contains 16 maps for Counter-Strike
60 MB
Active5 years, 3 months ago

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1 Answer

Zombie map pack cs 1.6

The most recommended way of using add-ons is by running them on top of AMX MOD X. This is a system which runs on Counter-Strike and allows for plugins to be installed.

  1. You need to setup and install AMX MOD X.
  2. Now, you need to download the actual plugin. You coud use: Allied Modders - Zombie MOD. If you are unsure of what to install where, both archives should be extracted inside the cstrike or czero directory.
    • Zombie MOD.
    • Zombie MOD Resources.

Zombie Cs 1.6 Servers

Now just start a server and this should work.

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Best Cs 1.6 Maps


The most recommended way of using add-ons is by running them on top of AMX MOD X. This is a system which runs on Counter-Strike and allows for plugins to be installed.

  1. You need to setup and install AMX MOD X.
  2. Now, you need to download the actual plugin. You coud use: Allied Modders - Zombie MOD. If you are unsure of what to install where, both archives should be extracted inside the cstrike or czero directory.
    • Zombie MOD.
    • Zombie MOD Resources.

Zombie Cs 1.6 Servers

Now just start a server and this should work.

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Best Cs 1.6 Maps

Cs 1 6 Maps

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